Your body knows what events, emotions and injuries
from the past cause you difficulty today.

Your body is eager to tell you what is wrong and how to address it by unlocking your unique story and the pain behind it.

Change is inevitable for all of us. Each day brings curves with it. Evolve with them and you’ll be well on your way to alignment with whom you are meant to be. Purposeful action helps you
bring your dreams to life.

I changed the name of my business from Self-Care Healing 'Discovering You' to Energy Healing with Denise to reflect the value I bring to my clients; my uniqueness. There is only one ME.

The old name didn’t reflect who I was or what I desired for my clients. It was time to plant the seeds of change and let my unique self shine. And now I want the same for you, to help you discover and embrace yourself completely. You bring your unique gifts and talents to the world.
By asking intuitive questions, I tap into your body's perfect healing ability to move you from Anxiety and Angst to Calmness and Clarity. The unique YOU deserves to be the healed YOU!

MPC Healing Circle

Seize this unique opportunity to receive simultaneous cleansing and rebalancing benefits from a group of practitioners. The Master Practitioner’s Healing Circle is a group of six practitioners who meet weekly over Zoom. Register HERE to pay and fill out a questionnaire to be included in the healing session. Click HERE to watch a full session.

Emotion/Body Code Sessions

Energy healing has been practiced for thousands of years, using holistic tools that are just as effective today! Energy healing work can be powerful for balancing the body as a whole, supporting health and boosting physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness. Click here to learn more.

CoreTalk™ Sessions

CoreTalk™ Holistic Therapy sessions offer a deeper dive into clearing the twelve major meridians of the body. You have an incredible opportunity to gain awareness around issues that keep you stuck and not moving forward in life and business. Learn about the 12 Chakras by reading my Chakra Cheat Sheet. Download here.

What others are saying

Wendy L. Friend and Horse Extraordinaire

Since my sessions with Denise, I feel amazing! Finally, I was able to leave a group that was unhealthy for me. I truly believe that without Denise, this would have never been possible. My issues were buried too deep in my unconscious mind. I am so excited about my future now. I thank her from the bottom of my heart.

Rachel P. Student Advisor Body Code Department

Denise is a ray of light. She is passionate about her work and is dedicated to helping others. Her sessions are personable and professional, and she provides a safe space for healing. It is very obvious that Denise cares deeply for her clients and is very thoughtful of their needs

Guelda R. Entrepreneur Kindred Kreations

Denise is a very gentle and inspiring person. She loves people and wants to help you find the best you, and learn how to care for yourself in the way you deserve.

Meena J. Entrepreneur Momentum Feng Shui

I have met Denise in person and immediately felt how she is sensitive to energy. After finding out more about her services, I can see why she is good at healing others to free themselves from emotional pain held in their bodies

Laura P. Arbonne Independent consultant

Denise is very open and approachable. She cares deeply about your well-being.

Cathy P

Denise inspires me to live my best life. She is an anchor for me. Through her kindness, friendship, and support, she makes me feel like everything is OK.

Sue M

I love how Denise’s face lights up when she has an “Aha” moment. She is full of grace, kind and gentle. She is a life-long learner and a gifted practitioner.

Debbie F

Denise is dedicated and approachable. She has a beautiful gift of prayer and an openness to the Spirit moving. She is supportive and affirming of others’ strengths.

Bruce V

Denise has the light of God and a good sense of humour. She is thoughtful in how she presents herself when she shares at meetings

Vina C

I felt a lot of joy yesterday. I felt light-hearted and went and played squash! I was exhausted and slept after our introductory session, but I was over the moon yesterday. I admit I still feel bewildered by the “woo-woo” process but keen to learn more. I am drinking my water and trusting in God for my subconscious healing.

Dani G Hypnotherapist

Denise is caring and smart. Her attention to detail and follow-through are outstanding. Denise will help you release life-draining emotions, as she has for me. I value her intuitive insights and nurturing presence.


I grew up in a chaotic, tension-thick household. My mother self-medicated with alcohol while she suffered from an undiagnosed mental illness. I met my Dad when I was 13. He was a church-goer, and I found God at a youth retreat. I have known God all my life, but His love became real to me when I was 15. 

A year later, I was run over and dragged underneath a car during running practice. During my stay at the burn unit in Seattle, a nurse named Valerie spoke into my life when I was consumed by anger and self-pity. I was so touched by her selflessness that I became a nurse. I know how to connect with those who want desperately to heal.

My purpose in life is to clear away those things that keep us from experiencing unconditional love for ourselves. The biggest hindrance to experiencing the love of God is to believe He isn’t loving.

However, when we can clear away the trauma that causes faulty core beliefs, nothing will hold us back from knowing a deep life-giving spirituality. When negative trapped emotions and limiting beliefs are released, I pray my clients will experience the love of God/Universe/Source in fresh new ways, even for the first time.


Familiarize yourself with the Emotion/Body Code process before your first session. 

  • Watch Dr. Bradley Nelson on YouTube at VIDEOS  
  • Search for his books The Emotion Code HERE and The Body Code HERE.
  • Download a copy of The Emotion Code Chart of Emotions HERE
  • Watch CoreTalk™ Holistic Healing in action by signing up for events sponsored by the Self Health Institute whenever you see a link HERE.
  • Learn about the 12 Chakras by reading my Chakra Cheat Sheet. Download here.
  • Kindly leave a 5-star Google review HERE.


Energy Healing with Denise does not diagnose any illness, disease, or mental disorder. Nor do they prescribe medical treatment or pharmaceuticals or make any guarantees or claims to healing and recovery. It has been made clear that energy healing is not a substitute for medical examination or diagnosis. It is recommended that one see a doctor for any physical or mental ailment.

Energy Healing with Denise is not be held liable for any problems attributed to the energy healing session. The practitioner at Energy Healing with Denise practices to provide mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual support using energy healing techniques. Clients understand the nature of the treatment and freely elect to receive treatments.


Please schedule a FREE “Let’s Talk First” Session.

This conversation can take place over the phone or Zoom.